Boost Gaming performance with GBoost for Windows PC
This app claims to improve the overall speed of your game including frame rate drops and lag spikes as well as alt-tabbing out of games faster. You generally land up with more responsive gaming experience. Simply ‘Press to Boost’ and changes will be made. These changes made are temporary and revert back once you reboot your Windows computer. Alternatively, if you click the ‘Restore’ button, all services, processes, apps are restored back, including your open browser windows, if any! It is thus completely safe with no permanent changes made to your Windows PC. Features:
Safe and simple to use – 1 click BoostNo Permanent changesNo OverclockingSmoother gameplayNoticeable ResultsNo interruptionsReduces LagMore stability for your games.
GBoost download
You can download GBoost from its download page. Here are some tips to improve gaming performance on Windows PC.